This article is about how to increase the income of an interior designer using neuromarketing to work with clients.
Repair and stress
Most clients are people from various professions not related to the construction industry. The average person usually has a stereotypical idea of repairs, associated with garbage, dust, chaos and, in addition, high costs. People usually start to feel stressed when it comes to renovations.
There are two main reasons for this reaction:
1. Repairs are expensive and difficult to manage. The list of all required materials for repair sometimes includes hundreds of items and the client did not even know about the existence of half of them before starting work. As a result, the estimate increases by an amount that the client did not even know about. This cannot but cause tension.
2. Learn to control your client’s anxiety. If force majeure occurs, and they often occur in construction and renovation, the client’s anxiety begins to go off scale. It is much more difficult to interact with anxious people. It takes a lot of effort to convince and make it clear that the situation is fixable. Anxious clients seek advice and psychological support from a circle of loved ones. Erroneous recommendations from outside can provoke confrontation with the interior designer.
Fortunately, there is another way to interact with the client, which will initially set the right vector and help build pleasant communication for both parties. This method is called “neuromarketing”.
What is neuromarketing and why should a designer use it when working with clients?
Neuromarketing is a field that combines neurobiology, psychology and marketing. It examines a person’s response to a product or marketing message at a physiological and emotional level to understand consumer preferences and motivation. Neuromarketing studies how consumers are influenced by various influences through the main channels of perception — smell, hearing, vision, taste and touch. Research results are used to achieve advertising, promotion and sales goals.
What does good or bad mean for a client?
In simple words, neuromarketing makes it clear what is “good and calm” for the client, and what situations should not be allowed, because in them the client “feels bad and anxious.” There is already quite a lot of research in the construction industry that can serve as a starting point in correctly influencing a potential customer.
How can neuromarketing create trusting and comfortable communication with a client?
It works step by step like this:
- First meeting. Make sure you have a comfortable environment. The meeting can take place in your office, if it is convenient for the client, or in another place — give the client a choice. A crowded and noisy place is definitely not suitable.
- Tell your client about yourself. People trust those they know more than just superficially. Explain to the customer the principles of your work, clarify that it is important for you that your clients are satisfied, so at the initial stage it is important for you to find mutual understanding and establish a trusting relationship.
- Inform your client that for his convenience, you are ready to complete the first mini-order in order to get to know each other in practice and make sure that you understand each other well.
Making a drawing with the dimensions of the apartment and selecting references for the future project taking into account the client’s wishes is an excellent solution to start work. You give the client the opportunity to evaluate not only your professionalism, but also your personal qualities.
Speaking in construction language, you are laying a good foundation for further work on the design project. Your client will undoubtedly enjoy the atmosphere of trust and relaxation.
Using the basic principles of neuromarketing at the stages of creating a design project, you will be able to maintain an atmosphere of trust and at the same time relaxation. Undoubtedly, your clients will definitely appreciate this.